Journey At Amal

Usama Manzoor
2 min readFeb 16, 2021

I joined Amal Fellowship Program to learn something beyond books and studies. I felt deficiencies in me that I am intelligent though, but not able to achieve remarkable goals when the time came.

When I started this journey I had nothing in mind about soft skills. My point of view was, these are needed in professional life only. But I was wrong. Personal development helps you in every field of life either it is your school life, college life, university life, personal, or professional life.

At Amal Fellowship I explored many new things. It has totally changed my point of view.

The first remarkable impact I remember is their formula of saying “How can I do it?” Instead of “I can’t do it”. I got an internship and afterward job only because of this rule. I accepted the new projects as a chance for learning. This leads me to the point where that company found something in me and they offered me a job.

Another habit I learned from this fellowship is appreciating others and taking the lead whenever any situation arises. I am working on it and expecting to get good results in the coming weeks In shaa Allah.

Amal Fellowship is a mixture of many good habits, that I am not able to write each and everything. Every week’s lesson improved my upcoming days and this learning will continue to help me more.

I also have developed a thought of learning new skills and achieving command of them. This would help me in my upcoming days in shaa Allah.

